
SugarCRM Load Testing using Jmeter
SugarCRM Load Testing using Jmeter
SugarCRM Load Testing using Jmeter
SugarCRM Load Testing using Jmeter

SugarCRM Load Testing using Jmeter

What is SugarCRM  and Why SugarCRM Load Testing is must? SugarCRM is the world’s largest open source CRM (customer relationship management) software. These custom business applications can be used in a multitude of ways, such as to power sales teams, run customer support organizations, and manage customer information databases.With the passage of time, the data

Free SSL for SugarCRM and other websites

Why SSL is must for SugarCRM ? SugarCRM or any other crm store vital information about Customer, leaking this data to hacker can pose a very serious problem for Companies. To avoid this best way to secure your website is setup a SSL for SugarCRM instance and domain, This article explains how to setup Free

Configure Eclipse with Selenium WebDriver for SugarCRM Automation Testing

Why Selenium used for SugarCRM Automation Testing? Sugar CRM is Customer Relationship Management software it widely use by client as per their requirements So, customer works on different scenarios, automation  helps to reduce testing time so, tester can cover no. of scenarios Selenium Webdriver is Open Source Software testing tool which is compatible with different

SugarCRM Automation Testing

Why is SugarCRM Automation Testing Required? Every growing company needs CRM and they customize it according to the requirement for their business.CRM needs changes with the market and technical/testing team has to keep up themselves with the market. Generally, SugarCRM system is vast and manage many things other than customer relationship. In such scenario tester’s and quality control